I have Visual studio 2010 Integration Services Project
After I build it, I try to deploy it to SQL Server 2012 and the new SSISDB but I get a very strange error message (and yes I’m sysadmin on the SQL Server and CLRIntegrationEnabled is True on the server and I can run the package from inside Visual studio). I can’t figure out what privilege that is missing.
declare @p4 bigint exec [SSISDB].[catalog].[deploy_project] @folder_name=N'TripManager',@project_name=N'TripManager',@project_stream=0x504B030414000000080027…A lot of numbers…HERE,@operation_id=@p4 output select @p4
Msg 6522,Level 16, State 1, Proceduredeploy_project_internal,Line 0
A.NET Framework error occurredduring execution of user-definedroutine or aggregate "deploy_project_internal":
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception:A required privilege is notheld by the client
at Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Server.ISServerProcess.StartProcess(BooleanbSuspendThread)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Server.ServerApi.DeployProjectInternal(SqlInt64deployId, SqlInt64 versionId,SqlInt64 projectId,SqlString projectName)