i have an ado.net data source connecting to mysql db on unix
i have a table called setting with two columns and 1 row of data .
using an execute sql task , i am able to get data from the settings table in mssql server and pass it to an ole data source using ?
example select * from user where enddate > ?
but in ado.net source of mysql it does not like that syntax .
i have used expression , and this works but it gives the defaut value of the variable fields startdate and enddate from the ssis package it does not seem to capture of pass save the dates passed in from the mssql db setting table with i use the above execute SQL task step to do .
"select * from mt4_user_info_load where insert_date >= cast('" + (DT_WSTR,30)@[User::dtmStartDate] + "'as datetime) and insert_date < cast('" + (DT_WSTR,30) @[User::dtmEndDate] + "'as datetime)"
any idea how i can save the value from the table and pass it to the above expression or pass the value from the db to the ado.net work flow source