Hello friends,
Is there a way to select fields based on a month. my oledb source pulls 12 different fields but I need to load a single field based on month like below.
my oledb source query selects Id ,Bal1,bal2,bal3,bal4 bal5,bal6 so on. But I need to load id and bal1 if january or bal2 if feb or bal3 if mar.
I cannot put any filters on the oledb source query as it is very slow now and any filter or case statements will make it worse.
Which task in ssis will suit for the situation.
Here is my ultimate goal/
Destination table
cmpnyID previousbalance estimatedbalance originalbalance
1 100 200 300
but the source will have 12 different balances for Prebal ,estimatedbal , originalbal. how can I filter the fields in the dataflow and load just single value for each fields based on the current month.
Thanks and appreciate your help