<p>I am in the process of upgrading old SQL 2000 databases to SQL 2008. One in particular uses dozens of sometimes complex DTS packages that the "wizard" did not convert to SSIS in any usable form so I have to build them from
scratch using BIDS.</p><p>When creating a DBF file in code I'm using table (file) names up to 10 chars in length as the old SQL2K DTS package did. But when the files are created the name is being truncated to 8 chars.</p><p>The
OLDEDB connection</p><p>Data Source=C:\TEMP;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=dBASE 5.0;</p><p>The code being used to create the DBF table (file)</p><p>CREATE TABLE `BUSECTCOMP` (<br />`ACCOUNT`
VarChar (30) , <br />`EFFDATE` DateTime , <br />`BLID` Decimal (10,0) , <br />`SCCODE` VarChar (10) , <br />`SCODEDESC` VarChar (30) , <br />`SCTYPE` VarChar (4) , <br />`SCTYPEDESC` VarChar (30) , <br />`SCUNITS`
Decimal (12,2) <br />)</p><p>The table is formatted correctly </p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>