To complete CDC Mark Initial Load Start and End, two CDC control tasks are added into a Sequence Container, if Transaction is not supported for the container, everything works fine. However, Transaction is required on the other hands, the "Mark Initial Load
End" will fail raising "Timeout expired" error.
Based on tracing, the following statement is suspending. It might be waiting for the lock placed by the first CDC task "INSERT INTO [dbo].[cdc_states] ([name] ,[state])" that was running in another session.
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT count(*) FROM [dbo].[cdc_states] WHERE Upper([name]) = Upper(@name)',N'@name nvarchar(9)',@name=N'CDC_State'
Any solution to this, the initial requirement is to rollback all changes, including CDC , if "Load Dimension Table" or something else between these two CDC tasks failed.