I am using SSIS package to do following task
1. Accept the DB file name from Catalog DB and restore the data
2. Check DB is completly restored
3. Once restored try to read the data from each table and transfer the data to Data Mart DB.
These operation i am doing with SQL task[5 item] inside the Sequence container to run SP in parallel [like thread].
Each SQL task accept(Step 3) DBName as parameter and transfer the data from each table of DB to Data mart database. While transfering data SP throws following error message
Database 'fe5db0d6-8446-441b-bd27-9a9b61a59e19' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore. But i am passing "5219a015-f074-43da-85b2-3a436e69374f" (DB name) as parameter to SP to transfer the data to datamart and it is trying to connect to different database. Suppose DB has 100 table, it has transfer the data from DB to Datamart for 25 table and error is thrown while transfering at 26 table. I logged each data transfer from one table to another table and found that error happends at random table data transfer. It is inconsistance, error might happen while transfering at 25 table or 1 st table or 50 table. If i am transfering data from 100 database using 5 thread. Error happens for 20 database and remaining successfully transfered. All 5 threads are saving data in common DB(Data mart) What might be cause of SQL task trying to connect to different source DB while running parallel? Thanks, |