Hello. I have a weird issue I need assistance with. I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 Std 64 bit (10.50.4000) server that is seeing an old deleted Maintenance Plan job running. This issue started with the job running twice, but has since been deleted and continues to run. This is a single physical server and not a member of a cluster. Below are details on what I have seen.
- Reports of Maintenance Plan 1 (MP1) job running twice.
- Verified that jobs for MP1 are running twice. One right over the other.
- Rescheduled MP1’s job to run 10 min later. After doing so, the old time still runs, while the new schedule runs as intended. Still have job running twice, but 10 min apart.
- SQL Maintenance Plan History shows both jobs running, while SQL Agent History only shows the new rescheduled time.
- I disabled MP1 and the old schedule still runs, while new does not.
- Deleted MP1 and created new MP2 plan. MP1 jobs that no longer exist still run.
- Disabled SQL Agent and MP1 jobs still run.
- SQL Agent Job History shows no history of MP1 jobs running
- Maintenance Plan History shows no history of MP1 jobs running.
- Ran SQL Profiler. For new MP2, you will see the jobs initiated by the SQL Agent and the SQL Agent service account as I would expect. For MP1 jobs, it is initiated by SQL Management Studio and SA.
- I have looked through MSDB tables and found no reference to the old deleted MP1, but may be overlooking something.
Any advice on where to look to see why a deleted Maintenance Plan job is still being run by Management Studio and SA would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.