I have a requirement to gather no of rows processed inside the dataflow task. Keep this in mind that DFT is in loop and loading flat file into table.
OnInformation Event provide the information about rows being written and onprogress event provides about the current task being executed.
I want to use sysssislog table to get the now of rows processed against that particular text file.
I know we can do it by putting row count transformation but have a requirement to use sysssislog table instead.
I have vague idea but not, here is the code so far:
SELECT [id],[event]
,case when message like '"component "%'
then substring([message], charindex('wrote',[message]) + 6, 9) End AS NoofRowsProcessed
,case when message like 'The processing of file% has started%'
then substring([message], charindex('C:\Source\',[message]) + 10, 100) End AS [FileName]
FROM [dbo].[sysssislog]
where event='oninformation' and
and message like '"component "%' or message like 'The processing of file% has started%'
order by starttime desc
Any help would be appreciated.