Good Morning,
I have Execute Process task in my package. I have winscp on my pc. when i execute the task after connecting the host and transferring the files to the destination location, the task still shows in YELLOW, i have to manually type EXIT in the Winscp and then the task turns GREEN. I have the following code in my script
option batch on
option confirm off
open sftp://UserName:Password@SFTPServer
cd .
option transfer binary
get -preservetime *.txt H:\sftpfiles\
In the Winscp window after transferring all the files i'm seeing the message
Unknow command 'exit//<usernmae>:<password>'
My second iproblme with winscp is, on the DEV server i have the winscp installed and when i executed the same package , i'm getting the following error:
The Server's host keywas not found in the cache. You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is. The Server's fingerprint is ........... If you trust this host press YES. To connect without adding host to the cache press NO. To abandon the connection press Cancel. I'm running this manually and the winscp wont give me a chance to press any option, also it would be a problem once i automate it.
Please need help.