Hi everybody
I have created a stored procedure for run one SSIS package wich receive 2 into parameters value, for create my stored procedure I used the EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_execution] and EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_execution_parameter_value]
I have tested my sp and run without problems, but I need wich one SQL USER with the minimun rigths on the database can be run my procedure, i have read that for use the catalogs views of SSIS catalog is necesary use an user with Windows authentication because"SSIS catalog needs the windows authenticated to control the package acces during run time” I give execution permisions on my procedure to one user with windows authetication (with db_owner permisions on my data base and ssis admin on the SSISDB) and he can run the procedure without problem, but just the db_onwer role is the problem, exist some way for run my procedure can be run for other user with minimun rights??