I am using mssql2008 r2;bids vs2008 in an attempt to access a vendor's wcf service through a script task. Before moving to SSIS, I tested the methods I planned to use with a simple C# console client app. The core service is the same in both the SSIS script task and the test app. I changed the contract name in the app.config file to look like:
contract = "ST_namefoscript999zz99999999s9ss9blahblah22x.csproj.RemoteVendorService.IRemoveVendorService"
Say this isn't so:
These bindings from this vendor also happen to be custom--so, manually assiging values as suggested in the link above for http bindings may not be the complete answer.
Is the service.model portion of the app.config file in SSIS/script task ignored?