Hi all ,
I have an issue ,we have feeds of about 1000 csv files which have random number of rows . One of the column FILE_NM contains the filename of the .ahs file from which that csv file was created.
I have parsed all of these files and move it to staging table and lately discovered that few files like 2 in 1000 files have wrong output in FILE_NM column.
Like for example we are expecting abc_def_01122012.ahs but we are getting only abc_def_01122012 and sometimes abc_def_01122012.a .
We could ask vendor of feeds to help us with this but i wanna give it a try as i expect SSIS can handle such errors.
I know there is a way in derived column transform using condition "? " to overcome this .
If it just didnt have extension i could have used conditon but then it also have extension like .a ,so please let me know if this can be resolved or i have to dig deep and have a script component in place .
Thanks for all your help.