today my dts package freeze during the loading of my data.
I have multiple dataflows in my package, and the freeze occurs in the dataflow 5 or 6, never on the first dataflows.
the 5 is pretty simple, I get data from SQL server to fill a cache transform.
but the freeze could occurs here, even if the execution normaly takes 5 to 10 sec.
and if the freeze is not in the DF 5, its in the 6 which is the biggest one.
yesterday everything works fine!!!
I try to execute inside VS and using DTExec, same behavior.
on the SQL Server side, I see that the network IO wait task is at 1000ms and no more activity.
so why this could occurs?
why today and not yesterday? (I try this 10 times and always the same behavior occurs at different point in time)
why never on my first dataflows and only the DF 5 or 6?