I would like that my DTS launch SIMULTANEOUSLY two sessions of a terminal TEE3270 for downloading some files remotely.
For this reason I have written two DTS, each of which uses username and pwd of two different users (retrieved from a table) and download files.
Then, I made a third DTS tha contains two "Execute Package task" that launches the two above packages
After all, despite I imposed two simultaneous processes, the two sessions are never contemporaneous, but always sequential.
But if I run the DTS that are placed on the server by two different clients with Enterpraise Manager, the processes are contemporary.
Thinking that it was a limitation of the emulator TEE3270, I made two scripts in .vbs that i have launched whit a third script using
WShell.Run "" "path vbs Process 1" ""
WShell.Run "" "path vbs process 2" ""
and in that case the contemporaneity is guaranteed
So I think that are the DTS (and also SSIS because i have tried with its) to have some limitations...
Can anyone help me??