Hi all,
I'm trying to figure our how a warehouse is getting the data extracted and loaded. I have a database and its extracting data from the source and laoding it every night. When i opened the sql server agent and looked at the jobs that are scheduled, i can see 15 dimension tables and 5 FACT tables that are being executed using the TRANSACT SQL statement "exe.dbo.table_name" and then the y have the DIM PROCESS and CUBE PROCESS jobs scheduled. What i'm trying to figure out is how the data is getting loaded from the source database as i couldnot find any package which is doing that task. Also under MSDB stored packages all i can see is packages from dimension and cube process. Can anyone please tell me where i should start looking for? Also is the data being loaded using stored procedures? If so where shouldi look for the stored procedures? Please any help or advice is greatly appreciated.