Hi for one of my requirement i have modified an existing script code from
as below,
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim vals() As String = Strings.Split(Row.Column0, "\t", , CompareMethod.Text)
Dim RowCount As Integer = Strings.Split(Row.Column0, "\t", , CompareMethod.Text).Length
Select Case RowCount
Case 3
With MatchingBuffer
.PId = vals(0)
.PName = vals(1)
.GrpID = vals(2)
.Status = vals(3)
End With
Case Is <> 3
With NonMatchingBuffer
.PId = vals(0)
End With
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
' ...handle exceptions gracefully here...
End Try
the DFT runs without any error, but the non-matching records are not getting separated.
Have i used the bolded and underlined condition correctly please let me know ? as mine is a TDF i used that...