Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.POLICY'
Hi Gurus, I am facing this issue while running the package. Please help to provide the cause. Thanks in advance. Executed as user: \portiadts. ...n 9.00.5000.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp...
View ArticleExcel connection won't open
I recently upgraded to a new laptop running Windows 7 64 bit (which my previous laptop was as well). I'm having trouble accessing SSIS packages I originally wrote on the previous laptop. Both used...
View ArticleError connecting to Oracle
Hi All, I designed SSIS package for loading data from Oracle to Sql server 2008. In connection manager I created New connection there I mention Server name and Password. When I click on Test...
View ArticleSSIS : Fuzzy Lookup in 32 bits
Hi, In my project, i must be in run64BitRuntime at false becaus i use ODBC (mySql) how work only with this mode. I would like to use the fuzzy lookup, but it doesn't work run64BitRuntime false, but it...
View ArticleDynamically Map source and Destination table in SSIS Package
Hi I came across a scenario where I have to create a ssis package which Dynamically Map source and destination table and load data. I have 30 table which need to be fetch from source on the...
View Articlewhy DateTime Format is changing form sqlserver to the ssis variable ?
Hi, I am working on loading of changed data based on datetime. I am getting the datetime from a Execute SQL Task stored proc. I defined two variables in the package and I am sending them as ouptut....
View ArticleRuntime Oledb TableName
Hi,, I am SSIS2005 i have a flat file name ABC_2012-08-08 i am loading data from flatfile to oledb destination i want to create dynamically destination tablename (ABC_2012-08-08) Thanks Ram
View ArticleHELP - Stored Procedure ReturnValue is always -1
I have the following test stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_TestSSIS (@a int) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @myval int; SET @myval = (SELECT MAX(TestValue) % 2 FROM Test_SSIS_SP)...
View ArticlePrevent duplicate records in SSIS
Hi, i build a different SSIS Package to import data from (flat files/Excel) to SQL Tables. i want to put some function or tool at SSIS level which can hold the data if its already uploaded.
View ArticleImporting rows from SQL Server to Excel 2007 using SSIS
Is there any white paper or document on Importing rows from SQL Server to Excel 2007 using SSIS Trying hard to configure this but not sucessfulSmash126
View Articleperformance tip needed
Hi, We need to extract values from many different tables and consolidate into a single resultset as output. WE have two options. Please let me know which one will be the best option. 1) To write a...
View ArticleError while fetching data from DB2 using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2
Hi, I am using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 2 for connecting to DB2 from SSIS. I am able yo connect, however I get following errors while fetching data from DB2. 1.DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An...
View ArticleSP used in SSIS to export data in excel is not Dynamic
Hi, I am using ADO Net source in SSIS to pull data from SP & move to excel, But problem is that package is not dynamic, every time if i want to change the data range i have to change in SQL command...
View ArticleSpurious data when running SSIS Package loop from SQL Server Agent 'Job'
Hi, I've come accross this issue a couple of times. I build an SSIS Pkg in Visual Studio, in this case a loop that collects data from a dozen flat files and merges it into one table. When I run the...
View ArticleMigration of SQL 2008 R1 packages to 2008 R2
Hi, May i know what all precaution to be handled when opening the SQL server 2008 R1 in 2008 R2 and also in BIDS . can any one say what step to be followed ?
View ArticleExecute pacakge task error.Error 0xC0012050 while preparing to load the...
Hi I am getting below error,when I am executing parent pacakge.If I run child packages individually,then they are working fine.I ahve problem with parent pacakge only. Error 0xC0012050 while preparing...
View Articleconvert from SQL Server table to Flat file (txt file) more than 1500 table
i have a database which contains 1500+ tables and i want to convert from SQL Server table to Flat file (txt file). i would like to know the best option avilable to make this possible with minimum...
View ArticleFolder locked
Hi, we have 14 packages. we are developing looging functionality log provider for text files.once deploy the all packges into server we face faceing following issue. issue: first package generate the...
View ArticleBest practices for unit testing SSIS packages
I know this question has been asked several times in the past, but the answers seem a couple of years old. On Codeplex I've found SSISUnit, but that doesn't seem to be an active project anymore. I also...
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