Getting the task name when an error occurs - SSIS 2012
Hi,in order to send a mail when an error occurs for a task I'm interesting to know if it is possible to get the task name by first getting the task id. Then I want to put the task name inside the...
View Articlepackage execution is fail in production how u can execute it sucessfully?what...
Hi,This is an interview question package execution is fail in production how u can execute it successfully?what are the steps i can fallow?ThanksKiran
View ArticleSSIS Communication with AX
I am currently working on an SSIS solution that takes data from AX, processes and then sends the information back to AX. The proposed solution is for AX to send records via a webservice to a table....
View ArticleSQL Server Agent - Job Step Properties [set values tab]
Would like to ask if someone can help me figuring out how to put a shared folder path to the Value column in "Set Value" tab in "Job Step Properties".I found out that a local path can be set as...
View ArticleCube fails due to early arriving facts
Hi I am processing cube from ssis package using analysis task.when ever there is an early arriving facts, package gets failed.I need to manually process the dimension first and the cube.This...
View ArticleHow how to load Excel data in FTP server to Sql Server using SSIS package?
HiHow how to load Excel data in FTP server to Sql Server using SSIS packageregardssamba
View ArticleHow to find the day of week in ssis 2008
Hi,i want day of week for date..i want datename , this is not available in ssis 2008.i try this one, datepart("dw",date) =1 ? s"sunday" : ... this is working but sunday means , i get the result on...
View ArticleGet the error reason when redirecting error rows
Hi,I have a package which will redirect the Error rows in a Data Flow Task.And is working fine like if any row fails to load into the target table it is going into the Error table.Now i want to get the...
View ArticleError pipe (Red Line) on OracleDestination by Attunity
Hey, Env : SQL2008R2, VS2008, attunity 1.2 (compatiable for VS2008), Oracle 10g I have oracle table with active indexes and i want to load data into it. I'm using OracleDestination component and i want...
View Articlei have two instances in target how can i load data into 1st instance?
Hi,i have two instances in target how can i load data into 1st instance ? what are the steps i can fallow in this situation?ThnaksKiran.
View ArticleSSIS Error: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to...
Hi Guys,Unable to cast COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSObject100'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the...
View ArticleLook up
Hi All,When I am loading the init load to the data base i am geeting below mention errorRow yielded no match during lookup. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "component...
View ArticleProblem loading data from foxpro tables under multiple folders
Hi, I am trying load data from multiple Foxpro tables which are under a folder. I can have multiple folders with 17 foxpro tables. I was able to do it in DTS using ActiveX script. Here is the ACtiveX...
View ArticleVariable datatype mismatch error
Hi,In data flow task storing two fields in Recordset deatination. One field is int another one is decimal. i need to pass decimal ie i am not supposed to make round value.In control flow looping...
View ArticleOutput of the stored procudre inserts blank rows into another table
Hi,I have full result set in exec sql task. I am iterating through the result set one at a time by using for each loop container. Inside the loop I am calling a stored procedure (in first exec sql...
View ArticleCache Transformation in For Each Loop
Hi all In For Each loop:DFT:Table --> Lookup on Table(Lookup Source Stored Proc Using Variable) --> TableSo after research i found i can't use Stored Proc using Variable directly. It must be used...
View ArticleScript task - no encuentra referencia (no reference)
Buenas tardes estimados,Estoy implementando una tarea para enviar un correo desde una cuenta lotus, para ello estoy utilizando el script task, puesto que esta rutina ya he realizado desde vba y otras...
View ArticleSSIS Design Question
We have been asked to create a program where the user can (via a browser) (1) upload an excel file, (2) run a program that ingests the file into SQL Server, (3) cleanses the data in SQL Server, and (4)...
View ArticleSSMS 2012: Importing Excel Data with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) -...
Hi all,I followed the steps of Mike Chapple's article "Importing Data with SQL Services (SSIS) to import an Excel file:The "people" Excel file was imported into my "Testshc" database as "dbo.People$"...
View ArticleForeach File In Folder Loop - Traverse subfolders
Hello all, My SOP for importing files/designing SSIS packages is: have a DELETE subfolder in each clients folder to house all the files to be imported.have the SSIS package create an Imported subfolder...
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