Importing special characters into SQL Server from XML source
Hi, I'm having great difficulty dealing with special characters in XML source file when importing them in SQL server via a data flow task. I have the following character 'ú' in one of my xml files...
View ArticleMultiple look up
Hello, I have seven lookups in sequence, one after other if match found update some flag column as Y else update it as N and both the match and no match outputs has to flow to next lookup and...
View ArticleIs it possible to change sample size on suggest datatypes in import wizard...
I am getting the truncating error when importing large files as I can't sample more than 10000 rows. This needs to be a automated import so moving large files to the top of the file is not an option. I...
View ArticleError in Expression in Derived
HI, Getting issue in following expression in Derived col. (DOB_DT == (DT_DATE)"12/31/9999" || YEAR(DOB_DT) < 1753) ? NULL(DT_DATE) : DOB_DT [Derived Column [104]] Error: SSIS Error Code...
View ArticleExport to CSV file - strange data going in to a DateTime field
Hi all, I am doing a simple export to a csv file from a table. One of the fields, DateAllocated, is a DateTime field. Some of the NULLS in that field are being converted to TRUE/FALSE values while 2 of...
View ArticleBroken Data Flow Task keeps validating components downstream
I have a Data Flow task containing several steps. If I break the logic of the flow ie to insert another lookup, the flow starts validating and generates more than a thousand errors in the error list....
View Articleselect all columns which are not null
I have table which have 60 columns. first row have null values in 32,44,55, columns second row have null values in 11,22,24 columns.....etc for all the other 600 rows. I need to select the data which...
View ArticleStoring a Money data item (in SQL Server) in a double SSIS variable
Hi I have a table in SQL Server with following spec Table1(Grossamount(money)) I have a SSIS variable called grosstot of type double and use following sql in Execute SQL task in SSIS Select...
View ArticleRunning an execute package task with the project deployment model
Please point out anything I forgot to add or got wrong. I'm working with SSIS in SQL Server 2012 and I am attempting to write to a parent package variable from a child package. The hitch here is that...
View ArticleSSIS BOL and API docs for SQL Server 2012...are they out yet?
SIAP, but I"ve asked twice over at the SSIS Team blog and nobody ever took the time to get back to me...any idea when the BOL documentation and API 'Technical Reference' comes out for SQL 2012?Lee...
View ArticleHow to start a SQL process with my smart phone?
Hi All, Question: How can I use a smart phone to fire off any sort of SQL Server process? Situation: Our SQL Agent Jobs for ETL sometimes fail. Sometimes the ETL Jobs succeed but the cube processing...
View ArticleForEach Loop File Enumerator SSIS
Hello Guys, Need help with a strange situation. I have a SSIS package that executes Sql Scripts store in a folder ( 132 scripts in all). I use a for each loop and a Execute Sql task with File...
View ArticleSET IDENTITY_INSERT ON required
I want to insert records using the following code in ssis variableif ((SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[TableName]'), 'TableHasIdentity')) = 1) begin SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TableName] Off...
View ArticleFlat file source - split delimited address field to additional fields.
A client of ours can only export data in the following .csv delimited format: ID, Name, Company, Address, Town, County, Postcode, Country The Address field contains anything from 1 to 5 lines of local...
View ArticleSQL Agent Job, Set Values, DTS variables and job rescheduling
Techies-- I have an SSIS job that begins with a script task. The script task accepts the starting datetime and the ending datetime. For qa purposes, my plan is to begin the start datetime @ 7/1/2012...
View ArticleETL Design Concern:
Hi, I have the following staging tables: 1.ContactDemographics 2.Contact ( The contact table has a foreign key reference to ContactDemographics) 3.Address 4.AddressInstance ( The addressInstance...
View ArticleHelp with data flow errors
Hi All, I'm trying to move some data from an excel spreadsheet into a table in a MySQL database using SSIS (2008 R2). I've been getting errors relating to data types, so I'm now just extracting and...
View ArticleError 0x80004005 when trying to specify connect string for connection manager...
I'm using a configuration which specifies a connect string to a config database via an environment variable: Data Source=QASQLONEPRI;Initial...
View ArticleSSIS package execution Insufficient memory to continue the execution of...
Hi, I am created a Stored Procedure and it will return XML result set. I am calling this storedprocedure in SSIS package ( using the execute SQL task) and writing the result of the...
View ArticleCompact ad Repair List of Databses
I have a list of databases in Access that I need to compact and repair. I have looked up information about "shredding" the dataset but have not been able to find what I need. I am unsure as to the...
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