Deleted package from Project - now project will not build
Hi allTitle says it all really.When I try and build I get an error:Error 4 Cannot create the output file <path to dtsx file> :Could not find file <path to deleted package>Any ideas...
View Articleoledb passing a table to sql server
I am able to pass a table to a stored procedure using sqlconnection and sqlCommand. This is via SSIS passing a table object inside a task script.I am unable to do the same process using OLEDBI am...
View ArticleError handling when multiple column has wrong or corrupted data in single row...
Let take an example I have SQL record which has 15 columns and in that 10<sup>th</sup> and 15 column has error data. In that case how Cozyroc returns error record. Meaning either it will...
View Articlecurrency field updates in sales force from sql server using Cozyroc
Can you please help me on the following currency value conversion from sql server to SFDC Object: Sql Server Table field type has Money ----à SFDC Object filed has data type Currency(18,2)Value in Sql...
View source connection error in ssis package
Hi ALL,I am trying to use the source to pull the tables to detination.But in this process I am getting error at source level,Could any one help me on this.The error is as below:Arun
View Articlemicrosoft jet 4.0 oledb provider
hi,i need to use,following provider ,native oledb\microsoft jet 4.0 oledb here in connection string, i have date source = c:\users:\.txti need to make this dynamic,like need to give...
View Articlemigrate data from sql to oracle using ssis
how to migrate data from sql 2008 to oracle 11g or 10g through SSIS.? I tried import export wizard, but its not working.
View ArticleConversion to DT_NTEXT data to DT_STR data - SSIS 2005
Hi,I'm implementing a SSIS 2005 pkg that read from a data source with a DT_NTEXT data that I want to convert to a DT_STR data.Is it possible, please? Thanks
View ArticleBizTalk Server 2010 Adapters in SQL Server 2012 Integration Services
Does anyone know if SQL Server 2012 Integration Services is able to use the BizTalk Server 2010 Adapters?
View ArticleSSIS Connection Manager General TimeOut vs Command Timeout
Hi All, This is first time I am trying to ste timeout on SSIS package ,Can some one let me know which is the best way to set timeout for connection? And what is the difference between General TimeOut...
View Articlelen() and datalength() in SSIS
In SSIS, there is one function to get the number of characters in a string, which is len(). this returns the storage bytes of the string and not the actual lenght of the string. pls let me know how to...
View ArticleSend mail from different account other than my account in SSIS
Hi There,On my local server I've created a package with a send mail task which will send alerts to email ids stored on my local db.I'm able to send alerts from my ID(lets say,...
View Articleduplicated path
hello all, I got this error message:[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find file '\\ipsapps43\d$\Program...
View ArticleAll the package errors in single mail
Hi,I am using Send Mail task to send the mail, if package fails.In "Send Mail task " expression, i am using the below:"Error : "+ @[System::ErrorDescription]+" occured in the package : "+...
View ArticleSSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is...
Hi All,While executing from target server, I am getting this error.Development Machine:32 bit WindowsTarget Server:64 bit Windows.Please help us to find what's exactly wrong and how we can resolve this.
View ArticleSSIS Excessive Scale/Precision Flatfile Destination
SummaryWhenever I output real numbers from a source to a flat file destination, SSIS always outputs the some numbers with excessive scale and others with the proper scale for the same numbers each...
View Articlecreate SSIS package to import data file content into sql server tables
I have a large number of data files and would like to import the content into sql server 2008 table. I have already tested a sample file to make sure the fields can be imported but I need to create a...
View Articlessis merge
hi,iam using merge to insert and update 2 tables.but now , i have 1 staging table for example stage_emp,which has data,now i need to see if this data match into 1 table into production example...
View ArticleDoes any one use Jenkins to deploy SSIS packages?
Does any one use Jenkins to deploy SSIS packages?lcerni
I am getting a DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER error ( The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "abc" failed with error code 0x........). This is a result of a...
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