Hi ,I have doubt in ssis,
how to get usd to gbp history exchange rates conversation information for 1 year back to still date using ssis package.
here I Done current live values for ssis package ran day information values using webservice task.
how to get exchange rates history valuesfor2016 year(january 1to till date)
get currency exchange rates for4 countries for2016 year
currency exchange from USD to other 4 countries.to run ssis ETL package daily,pull the data from webserviceon the web andinsertinto the stage table.
step 1:open new project of integration services and rename the default package name as webservice
step 2: drag anddrop the webservic task in package andcreate4 variables (GBP_value ,AUD_value,cad_value,BRL_value\)
step3 :create new HTTP connection byright clink in connnection managerandselect http connection and
enter the server url as http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?WSDLand testthe test connection.
step 4:open the new notepad andsave it as currencyconvertor.wsdlfor required location .
step 5:Double click on the web service task and confiure like belowin general tab:
Httpconnection .....>http connection manager which we create early
wsdl file.....>browseandselect the currencyconvertor.wsdl file
overwritewsdlfile.....>setas true
download the wsl fileand overwrite to empty wsdl file
input tab:in input tab we have to configur
service .....>currecconvertor
method.....>convesionrateand also I need toselect the from currency value and tocurrencyvalue
FromCurrency as usd(us dollar)and Tocurrency(GBP uk)
output:in output tab i have to configur the output type : variable : GBP_value
step 6:from the datafow toinsert the stagein oledb source select data access mode : sql command
select getdate()as daterun ,convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL)as viewxml ,convert(nvarchar(3),'GBP')as currencytype
then fields list like daterun,viewxml,currencytype
derievd columnto expression :@[user::GBP_value]insertto stage dimcurrencystage.
after that take another dft and drag anddrop oledb source and dataaccess is sql command and write query like
SELECT [Currencytype] = [CurrencyAbbr] [DateSK] = convert(int,convert(varchar(8),Convert(date,[DateRun]),112)) ,[ExchangeRate] = CONVERT(Decimal(18,2),CAST(CAST(ViewXML AS XML).query('data(/double)') AS varchar(4000))) FROM
then this data loadinto final table.its working fine
similary to I developed remains countries.
its working fine when i ran package that day related exchange rates only I am getting.
I need 2016 year to till history exchanges rates information (usd to others)
please tell me how to achive this task in ssis.