Good Morning All,
In my package i'm loading data from two flat files ( both are named the same) Extract Date. FILE A has the 'Extract Date' coming as (DT_I4) and FILE B has the 'Extract Date' coming as (DT_STR). For FILE A i'm using the following expression to convert the data (DATEADD("day",ExtractDate - 1,@[User::BaseDate]) Where Base Date ia a variable with the value '1/1/1901'.
For FILE B i used the expression (DATEADD("DD",(DT_I4)REVERSE(RIGHT(REVERSE(ExtractDate),2)) - 1,@[User::BaseDate])) and the variable has the same value of '1/1/1901'.
The Problem is FILE B is not converting the data as it should please see the samples below: