Data Flow task takes forever to complete execution
I have a 4 data flow tasks running in parallel . Source : a sql query . Simple select statement selecting few columns.Destination : am just doing select * from ##globaltablename in my destinationThere...
View ArticleSSIS foreach loop iterations
Hi All,I am new to SSIS and need some assistance. I have a execute SQL task which generates a table with string as '201701','201702','201703','201704' etcI am passing these strings to foreach loop...
View ArticleTLS 1.0 is manditory for SQL to work?
Hello, Recently we had an issue with Integration services, when disabling TLS protocol at server level integration services failed to execute the packages. So we have enabled the TLS again and it...
View ArticleImporting a spreadsheet with merged cells
I see this question has been raised before but none of the suggested solutions fits my situation. I need to import to SQL Server a collection of around 50 spreadsheets every day. I have no control...
View ArticleFile System Task OR FTP (WinSCP)
Good day,The task was to FTP files to a FTP location, however getting to the destination is as simple as\\...\ inserting an IP via Windows Explorer1. Seeing that i can navigate to the Location, is it...
View Article[SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Warning: Could not open global shared memory to...
I have been getting the following warning with an Unexpected Termination: [SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Warning: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow...
View Article[SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Warning: Could not open global shared memory to...
I am administrator if my notebook. This messages appears with a source connection to Oracle and a SQL Server destination. How can I make this go away? Theis is a fresh Profession 2017 load with most...
View ArticleSSIS Data Flow Pipeline Stops and success is displayed - yet missing 800,000...
Im using 2017 Professional with Oracle OLEDB drivers with a very simple connection to an Oracle view on the source side. Im sending directly to a clean and flat SQL Server table with no indexes,...
View ArticleAlways On High Availability SSISDB on Cluster with more than one instance. BUG!!
Hi all, We have a cluster with 2 SQL Server 2016 named instances, SSIS01 and SSIS02. On each Instance, we have an Integrations Services Catalogue and its corresponding SSISDB. We created an AG named...
View ArticleSAS OLE DB connection to remote server
I am trying to export data from SSIS to a remote SAS sever. I need to know how to configure the connection manger? I have the IP address and my credentials but cannot get the OLE DB connection to test...
View ArticleThe column "COLUMNNAME" cannot be processed because more than one code page...
when I try to import the csv file into an existing database , the following error is comingI did the following steps1. Select flat file source2. Filename .csv file3. Destination SqlServer Native client...
View Articlevs 2015 with ssdt, copied .dtsx file won't start
Hi, We have been using vs 2012/vs 2008 in the past and have always found that copying a .dtsx file to a different name and editing it seemed to work. We are trying this with vs 2015 and ssdt and...
View ArticleSSISDB create_execution error: The current security context cannot be...
I'm trying to execute SSIS package from service broker activation procedure.When SP is located in my database, I get following error:"The current security context cannot be reverted. Please switch to...
View Articlewhat's best practice for an ssis template?
Hi, We are working on something where a bunch of very similar jobs will have a lot of variables, a very elaborate scheme to fetch some sensitive data, and we need to have a cookie cutter starting...
View ArticleRemove Preview Pane from Windows 10 file explorer
Windows 10 file explorer displays a preview pane on the right of the screen.I donot require that function and can better utilize the space with file informationHow do you permantly delete the preview...
View ArticleProblem with column name collation
Hello,I'm using Odata source to get Sharepoint list data. Odata source contains columns which have some UTF-8 characters. Problem is that on my local computer DTS package succeeds but when I put it on...
View ArticleSql server agent service account / creator of connection manager
Hi AllFirst time poster ,long time reader :)I need some clarification on the below:If I create a package and all its connection managers and then deploy to IS catalogs. I then create a job in Sql...
View ArticleThe data type could not be assigned to the column "Geography" in "SQL Server...
I'm trying to move some tables from a local network database (13.0.4001.0) to an Azure database (12.0.2000.8) using SQL Server 2017 Import and Export Data (64-bit).I'm using the "SQL Server Native...
View ArticleSSIS vs Talend comparison
Hi,I'm searching good and recent articles about the comparison between SSIS and Talend.Any helps to me, please?Thanks
View ArticlePassing Sequence Container name into the data flow task
I have been using SSIS for ETL testing purposes .For automation, I have created a generic data flow task inside a sequence container job. Now I want to pass the sequence container name to be used...
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